Case Studies | Vodafone 5G Bus Wrap

Vodafone 5G Bus Wrap

We printed and installed fully-wrapped buses for Vodaphone's new 5G campaign.

The buses were beautifully transformed using a simple and highly effective creative twist on the iconic London red bus, with bold branding that was unmistakably Vodafone.

With the help of clever technology, called Digital Roadblocks, Routemaster bus designs temporarily changed to match the bold red 5G branding as they approached specific global electrical signs, resulting in an entire marketing campaign that flowed around the capital. 

Hoardings on the side of the road also switched to Vodafone’s advert for three minutes whenever these campaign buses came within a predetermined distance of a relevant bus stop. Every digital advertising screen within a 200-metre radius was activated- pretty cool, huh?!

Vehicle Wraps that Drive Results

If you'd like to discuss your vehicle livery requirements get in touch with us here.

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